: The customer in Monroe, Washington originally requested information about  a permanent solution to her muddy paddocks ...
 We have a paddock that is about 2,000 square feet,
that we are interested in a mud management system...

September :
"... I will let you know how much I “love” it once we get some rainy days.
...Luna is feeling better (thanks for asking) – she seems to like her new footing."

October :
"So far so good!!! It seems to be draining well – I think you were right about taking it a bit further out the gate towards the pasture. (Maybe in the spring we will do that) We still have hogsfuel right there….and it is pretty chewed up from the tractor lately and it is definitely muddy right there.
We put the grid down in the Poop Pile areas and it is SO much nicer when dumping the poop cart now!
So far….I am a believer in the grid.
Luna has been laying down in it and moving around comfortably on the footing – she seems to like the sandy areas the best.
Thanks again ... we will keep you posted as winter progresses ..."

December :
"Funny! I was thinking about you yesterday……and mentioned to [deleted] how much I love our mud free paddock!
We got a couple of puddles directly in front of the concrete slab – which were gone by this morning. Now we have two horses out there and it is great. (The new horse rolls a lot and he loves the footing)
This time last year – we were up to our ankles in mud. We obviously have a lot of runoff directly in the pasture behind the barn and think next Spring we will want to put Grid in that area and the other gate entries.
I planned to take pictures yesterday – but never got out there. So I promise next big rain storm, I will take pictures.
We love the grid
Thanks for checking with us……definitely happy customers!"

Above: A smooth and firm gravel base is the starting point.
Above:  For this paddock, a French drain was used at the barn entrance because it was not practical to regrade the entire lot.
Below:  to preserve the natural drainage, a clean or washed gravel or angular rock must be used (no fines, pulverized stone dust, "minus" or "chips" or "binders" or other aggregates which will clog the soil's drainage)
Above:  Lay out the VersiGrid™ before you snap it together, for ease of installation.
Above:  Cutting around posts is easy using a circular saw.
Above:  Add gravel to fill the grids (being careful not to dig in with the tractor).
Above:  spread the gravel out toward the edges
Above:  then add sand, and you are done.
Caution: Horses love VersiGrid!                        
... and so will your farrier and vet
(and the local environment: no runoff + no mud/sedimentation + no soil compaction = no pollution)

HoofCONTACT US ABOUT YOUR MUD MANAGEMENT PROJECT! ecoraster ecogrid is now made by americans in the USA!